78-Mariela Guerra-3 Births-Cesareans-NICU-PMAD-Twins-Breast Cancer Diagnosis-ZacarÍas, Serafina & Magdalena

78-Mariela Guerra-3 Births-Cesareans-NICU-PMAD-Twins-Breast Cancer Diagnosis-ZacarÍas, Serafina & Magdalena

photo credit to featured image goes to April Pinto (https://www.aprilpintophotography.com/)   Send Kiona a Text Message Description: Mariela expected to have one child and be done. Little did she know…
67-Elliott Leslie-Miscarriage-2 Cesarean Births-Bicornuate Uterus-Breech-Preemie-Adelaide & Brennan

67-Elliott Leslie-Miscarriage-2 Cesarean Births-Bicornuate Uterus-Breech-Preemie-Adelaide & Brennan

Send Kiona a Text Message Description: In this episode, Elliott shares her two preemie birth stories of her daughter Adelaide and her son Brennan. She talks about how being a…
65-Angela Roberts-IVF-Miscarriage-Cesarean-Endometriosis-Preeclampsia-HELLP-Micro Preemie-NICU-Bennett

65-Angela Roberts-IVF-Miscarriage-Cesarean-Endometriosis-Preeclampsia-HELLP-Micro Preemie-NICU-Bennett

The image above is of Bennett soon after he was born via cesarean at just 25 weeks gestation. Send Kiona a Text Message Description: In this episode, Angela talks about…
51- Rachelle Samia-2 Vaginal Births-Uterus Didelphys-NICU-Breech-Wildflower Birthing Services

51- Rachelle Samia-2 Vaginal Births-Uterus Didelphys-NICU-Breech-Wildflower Birthing Services

Description: In this episode, Rachelle educates us on what Uterus Didelphys is, when she first learned about it for herself, and how it impacted her conception, pregnancy, and birth journeys.…