Description: In this episode, Masey talks about her emotions when she found out she was pregnant unexpectedly, what it was like choosing her provider and birthing location, in addition to…
Description: In this episode, I had the amazing opportunity to interview Ms. Jennie Joseph about her journey into midwifery, in addition to her own personal experiences with endometriosis, giving birth…
Description: In this episode, I interview an old classmate from the Midwives College of Utah named Rebecca! She is a full-blown midwife now and it's amazing! She speaks about how…
Description: In this episode, Erika gets into all the details about the infertility journey her family had to take, her experiences with extreme postpartum anxiety, and the importance of advocacy…
Anissa at Jack's bedside in the NICU. Description: In this episode, Anissa dives deep into all 4 of her pregnancies. She talks about the hard decisions that were made when…